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Vol.20, No.0, 237 ~ 249, 2008
The consideration of photo media in digital literacy-environment-the focus of photo literacy with the aim of the cultural prospects for the disabled-
유기상 Ryu Ki-sang , 이원섭 Kim Chong-ken , 김종근 Lee Won-sub
Digital environment forming today`s media has produced the communication structure of producer like consumers not only in our daily life but also in society, culture and arts. This trend has resulted in the transformation of Web media into the medium of `education` which is the most influential on the life of the Web 2.0 generation, who is the multimedia generation. In particular, web-based digital communication structure using the digital media environment has played certain roles in narrowing communication gaps in the disabled`s arts, culture and social participation. Such environment has invigorated active social participation of underprivileged class and brisk artistic culture , and restructured the new relations among producers, consumers and distributors. What kinds of knowledge, creativity, literal abilities and personality are required to the disabled in order to deal with information and images produced and consumed in digital media environment at present? In the media communication structure centering on informative communication, social demands of the disable haven`t been conveyed by poor environment. Thought practical participation activities of the disabled have not been enough yet, the disabled`s communication-building should be pursued the literacy ability through education, which is a way of the visual language Now, what is the important thing is awakening consciousness and responsibility for the disabled`s communication activities. Based on it, we need to judge and select information in a balanced way for more conscious and rational sharing of media-based communication. Accordingly, it is necessary to refer the disabled to media continuously and to raise the necessity of photo literacy in the discussion for the prospects of culture.
Key Words
디지털미디어, 사진, 미디어리터러시, Digital Media, Photography, Media literacy
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