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Vol.25, No.0, 155 ~ 165, 2009
A Study on Customer Emotional Factors of Indoor Shoes Design for Elementary School Students
이정희 Yi Jung Hee
One of human body, feet do the major role of standing erect and walking as two feet, which it makes human beings different from other species. The main purpose of shoes are needed for proper development of feet and protects from cold and injury. Shoes also should give feet move easier and freer. Therefore, shoe design should have functionality and beauty factor. These days, it tends to highlight in beauty than functionality. Nevertheless, shoes influence on students who are in the growing stage rather than clothes. That is why I seek for essential functions of shoes here. The purpose of this study investigate the customer emotional factors of indoor shoes that students put on at their school for long time. In order to analyze comparatively the differentiation of structures and features of indoor shoes that have circulated and sold in present market, I surveyed students and their parents about what is the major factor of increasing customers` emotions of indoor shoes students use at school and institute, and what are satiable and uncomfortable factors when they buy indoor shoes. In this study, I researched face to face from the 1st grade elementary school students and their parents to 6th ones, and I analyzed factor analysis and cluster analysis using SPSS 12.0 The result of customer emotional analysis for customer demonstrative analysis is as below. Firstly, indoor shoes become suitable with clothes. Secondly, it must have emotional style. Lastly, customers prefer comfortable and functional style. In conclusion, customers buy more comfortable and friendlier products. The design of indoor shoes based on this demonstrative analysis result would create more Koran style and differentiated products. I think this thesis is significant to show the demonstrative reference of indoor shoes.
Key Words
실내화디자인, 초등학생, 소비자 감성요소, Indoor Shoes Design, Elementary School Students, Customer Emotional Factors
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