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Vol.25, No.0, 7 ~ 15, 2009
Navigation Types and Design Analysis according to the Characteristics of Media
김현정 Kim Hyunjung , 석금주 Suk Keumjoo , 이현주 Lee Hyunju
The development of information and communication technology made it possible that the information be more diverse and promptly delivered with mobility. However, the outgrowing numbers of media kinds and the complexity of the media usage made the communication of information more difficult. The importance of navigational design is taken into account as it helps the user search for information while moving around in the space within the media. This work analyzes different types of navigation according to the characteristics of media. The study focuses on information structure and navigational design of the media as they help the users effectively search for needed information. This paper first explores the characteristics of media. Then it examines the concept of navigation and its distinguishing features based on the content and the device. Navigation types sorted through different characteristics of media are navigations in linear structure and nonlinear structure, and navigations in horizontal selection and cascading selection. Information structure and navigational design is analyzed according to the sorted navigation types. The information structures and the navigation paths for each navigation types are visualized based upon J. Bertin`s Data Relational Structure and the elements of navigational design are examined through examples of different media design. Navigational design in the context of information structure and media characteristics, will help with user`s information search process and enhance efficient information communication.
Key Words
네비게이션 유형, 정보구조, 네비게이션 디자인, navigation types, information structure, navigational design
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