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Vol.23, No.0, 17 ~ 32, 2009
An Empirical Study over the Factors Influencing Performance of Design Management, -Focus on Production Firms-
김영석 Kim Young Seak
Design management is a great revitalized field created to meet new changes to the period and the market since 1990s. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relations between the factors influencing design management and corporate management performance. For that purpose, the investigator explored the factors affecting design management and tested the hypotheses about the relations between those factors and management performance through empirical analysis. The two major findings are as follows: First, as for the relations between the factors influencing design management and customer satisfaction, "design workforce," "Design policies and strategies" and "design investment" resulted in statistical significance, but "design organization" and "design manager" did not. As a result, the hypothesis that the factors influencing design management would have impacts on customer satisfaction was partially supported. Customer satisfaction was most affected by "design policies and strategies," which was followed by "design workforce" and "design investment" in the order. And secondly, as for the relations between the factors influencing design management and market share, "design organization," "design workforce," "design policies and strategies" and "design investment" showed statistical significance, but "design manager" did not. As a result, the hypothesis that the factors influencing design management would have impacts on market share was partially supported. Market share was most affected by "design investment," which was followed by "design policies and strategies," "design workforce" and "design organization" in the order. The two conclusions indicate that "design policies and strategies" have the biggest effects on customer satisfaction and "design investment" on market share. Those results have the following implications: ① they can provide useful information to companies that try to introduce design management and vitalize it; and ② they can serve as a guideline when companies set up strategies of using design management as a means of competitive edge. Finally, the study has its limitations in that it only dealt with the manufacturing industry. In future, they need to expand to the service industry to identify the factors influencing its design management and to analyze their relations with management performance. In addition, it`s also required to consider the success factors of design companies by the areas.
Key Words
디자인경영, 영향요인, 경영성과, Design management, Factors influencing design management, Management performance
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