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Vol.22, No.0, 173 ~ 183, 2009
Management of Culture and Arts Programs for Residential Education
백수희 Baek Soo Hee
The purpose of this study is to examine the satisfaction level of learners with the culture and arts programs that were offered in 2008 by K university in the metropolitan area in an attempt to seek ways of producing and managing distinctive programs for residential education. A survey was carried out to 342 students among 671 students that were enrolled in the program. The survey was conducted to find out their motivation, satisfaction with their classes and class management, needs for support, and opinions on what improvements could be made. After the collected data were analyzed, the following information was revealed. First, culture and arts programs that focus on residential education should contain experience activities and deal with what can be applicable to real life. Second, students who participate in the programs should gain credit, and the grading system from A+ to F should be introduced to boost learner participation. Third, a small number of students should be allowed to take part in a program, and a sufficient amount of practice time should be offered. Fourth, appropriate facilities should be prepared, and there should be extensive aid for the program, including help from assistant instructors. Fifth, a variety of performance, exhibition and club activities should be utilized to bolster the self-achievement and satisfaction level of learners. This study attempted to look into the outcome of culture and arts programs for residential education as it was the first approach in Korea and it is expected to pave the way for the development of more efficient programs.
Key Words
기숙교육, 문화예술교육, 디자인교육, residential education, culture and arts education, design education
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