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Vol.20, No.0, 65 ~ 77, 2008
A Study on Linkography Visualization for the Realization of Meta Communication
권효정 Kwon Hyo-jeong , 이화세 Lee Hwa-sei
The modern social and cultural trend is that users themselves produce knowledge, participate in it, and share the knowledge. Under this circumstance, a new technology of visualizing information to help users have access to the knowledge easily and fast is attracting the industry`s interest. It is highly time to research creative navigation design that interaction with web 2.0 contents identity is considered. In addition, for the purpose of clarifying the principle of effective graphic navigation visualization of web 2.0 type, it is necessary to examine it from the viewpoint of meta communication theory in terms of interaction and users` emotion. Therefore, this paper intends to research the communication strategy based on humans` cognitional characteristics and on the theory of information visualization, and then, it will propose visual guidelines to apply the basic components and principle of visualization to the web media contents. This paper examined the type of linkography visualization in the web 2.0 contents from various viewpoints. Various visualization forms based on tag output and availability were considered for the analysis. Based on this research result, it will be possible to recognize that design-oriented approach and participation is very important in the realization of ideal future web navigation, and further that we need to continuously have interest in and make efforts for the realization of visualization of 2.0 information contents.
Key Words
정보시각화, 메타커뮤니케이션, 웹2.0, 네비게이션, 링코그래피, 태그 크라우드, 비주얼 서치, Meta Communication, Web2.0, Web Navigation, Linkography, Tag Cloud, Visual Search
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