Abstract |
Recently with the development of medical technologies and preventive medicine in Korea, the disease-related death rate is gradually falling down and technological in all areas of the society has improved living environment. At this rate Korea will enter into an aged society within 20 years. In this sense. changing requirement of interior design for the elderly will be made social issue in the near the future. It is urgently required to develop houses in consideration of the characteristics of the elderly so that they can lead more independent and comfortable housing life and particularly the supply of elderly housing is required for elders, who are avoided by the private sector. The Unit future having extracted basic directions for design from, which should be meticulously considered and reflected so as to make the Unit Dwelling function properly. |
Key Words |
노인, 고령친화, 실버체험, 유사체험, 주거유닛, elderly, senior friendly, silver age experience, similar experience, unit dwelling |