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Vol.19, No.0, 93 ~ 106, 2008
Study on the Metamorphosis found in the Connection Between Animation and Surrealist Painting
김재원 Kim Jae-won
The development of science based machinery endowed mankind with material wealth, and people, free from the issue of making their livelihoods, came to concentrate on the cultural aspect of life. This led to the birth of the art of the age of mass media, the pop culture. From this point of view, the role of motion pictures as a form of pop culture, and the role of movies(animated films) as a form of visual art is bound to receive attention from the public. The art of animation not only expands the scope of an artist`s expression but combines the various formative aspects and modes of expression of the arts and also expands the surrealistic boundaries of human thought as well. The art of animation is the most effective form of expression when it comes to expressing the subconscious or surreal aspects of the human mind, or the inner world of the human psyche. On one hand, efforts to visually realize the inner world of people, such as animation, can also be found in surrealism, a popular art form in the early 20th century. Just like animation artists, surrealist artists focused more on the essence of the inner psyche of people rather than reality, and possessed the same desire to express such visually in order to create a hyper reality, and went on to utilize the methodology of classical painting to realize these desires. The artists of surrealism, through such methods of expression, focused on imagination surpassing the limits of human experience and the liberation of suppressed desires, as well as rationalism as their main theme. The mode of expression utilized by these artists allowed the viewers to experience visual fantasies, and this can be equated with the art of animation. As such, the purpose of this dissertation is to connect the surrealist movement, which was a large scale artistic movement of the 20th century, with the art of animation. The effect floating from unconscious level is common used in the method of Automatism theory. The metamorphosis, which is one of the most important method of the theory, connects visual image-so called "transformation"- with animation and surrealism paints, and it gives a grant to make the subjectivity of author`s expression shaped and to symbolize the concrete image of surrealism with esthetical, visually, and plastic meaning.
Key Words
애니메이션, 메타모포시스, 초현실주의회화, animation, metamorphosis, surrealism
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