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Vol.17, No.0, 235 ~ 246, 2007
The Effect of Rhetoric Expression of Advertisement on Consumer`s Attitude - Focused on Internet Banner advertisement
이은석 Lee Eun-seok
The purpose of this study is to survey actual status of user`s use of internet banner advertisement and what kind of recognition and attitude they have for rhetoric expression(metaphor, change and emphasis) specifically. The result of the study showed that first, there is a close relationship between rhetoric advertisement and consumer`s recognition and general attitude. Consumer evaluated that rhetoric factor formed a positive attitude in the process to recognize and handle information with image. Second, user`s effect was almost similar in 3 kinds of rhetoric expression methods to achieve information from banner advertisement. Moreover, regarding advertisement recognition, there was some difference in the degree of information, interest, correlation and negative factor, depending on rhetoric expression. It is found that rhetoric expression gives effect to user`s recognition of advertisement by studying expression factor while escaping from the analysis on the effect of internet banner advertisement from the aspect of advertisement recognition.
Key Words
인터넷 배너, 광고, 수사학, 광고인식, internet banner, advertising, rhetoric, advertisement recognition
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