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Vol.17, No.0, 223 ~ 234, 2007
A Study on the Parody Advertisements Expression Techniques
이종락 Lee Jong Rak , 안상락 An Sang Lak
The moderns are exposed to various media and flooded ads without filter. In these circumstances, expressive strategy of ad is being changed in various ways, and creator`s new skills of expression are also required, but being troubled with the absence of creativity. Parody ad is one of effective skills of ad for solving such problems, and parody is known as an efficient technique, as being called the lion of post-modernism. Parody borrows contents from films and soap operas, recomposes and expresses other contents entirely different from the original, and it is used for laugh, exaggeration and effect of satire. This study classified ways of expression for re-composition of parody, and analyzed suitability of it through the cases. The ways of parody expression are divided into parody of high art, one of other work, and one of other ad. In addition, this study examined conditions of formation of parody by each technique, and analyzed merit and demerit of parody ads. Parody techniques changing variously along with the development of ads are being rapidly changed, and it is ambiguous to judge whether the parody is suitable or not. In this viewpoint, this study classified and analyzed standard of parody by technique, compared strength and weakness of parody ad, to widen the range of understanding of parody ad, and suggested direction of ad creative development, by discussion on the appropriate standard of expression technique.
Key Words
parody, imitation, expression techniques
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