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Vol.17, No.0, 213 ~ 222, 2007
A Study of Color and Sign Design for Environmentally Matching City
강명옥 Kang Myung-ok
Since environmental problems had been a matter of concern in every countries world-widely, each cities started having recognition for make themselves as eco-friendly city. Then what could be defined as eco-friendly city? It can`t be defined by one word but it could be regarded as a city that makes feel live culture by consider the image of that city and basing physical natural conditions, historic traits, sensitivity and public traits of city dweller. Building color of city should consider about harmony with neighbors in prior instead of its individuality. These refined color of city could provide psychological sense of stability for residents and in order to do so, community spirit that emphasize harmony and the will to practice it can make individualistic color of city. And the sign design of city should create one environmental beauty by harmonizing with cityscape or buildings and it`s important since it can show cultural level or aesthetic level of the city. In this research, first, it suggested about which color should properly be used in order to make comfortable cityscape in terms of forming color design planning for making eco-friendly cityscape, second, it defined concept and meaning of sign design and it suggested effective sign designing plan as an element of city environmental design.
Key Words
color and sign design
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