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Vol.17, No.0, 147 ~ 157, 2007
Study on Digitalization of Gamrotaeng (A Buddhist Painting)
박정희 Park Jeong-hei , 전승규 Jeon Seung-kyu
The 1,700-year history of Buddhism in Korea reflects the culture and history of Korean people. As a considerable number of traditional cultural heritages of Korea are related to Buddhism, it is acceptable to say that knowing Buddhist culture is the best way to enhancing our understanding of Korea`s cultural heritages. Gamrotaeng is signified as a painting of Buddha that conveys the philosophies of Buddhism. Based on the general understanding of Korea`s Buddhist culture, this study discussed digitalization of Gamrotaeng. First, the introduction presented the purpose and topic of this study. Second, the theoretical background of Gamrotaeng as a cultural origin was discussed. Third, it is the digitalization of Gamrotaeng. The digital contents of Gamrotaeng were created based on the stories of a Buddhist scripture. Educational stories of this Buddhist scripture were used to create educational contents for elementary students. The characters in Gamrotaeng were reproduced as animated characters. Last, the conclusion was stated based on the above contents. The significance of this study was that it attempted to digitalize Gamrotaeng for merchandising and modernizing, whereas most preceding studies were focused on discussing art history. Furthermore, this study would stress the importance of digital contents and bring Buddhist contents closer to the public and the world market as an original brand for the future.
Key Words
Gamrotaeng, Buddhist culture
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