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Vol.17, No.0, 99 ~ 109, 2007
A Study on Expression and Metaphor of Clay animation - Focused on "The Running TOMA" -
손상희 Shon Sang-hee
Image of animation is an outcome to show abstractive nature of the artist who reembody actuality. These abstractive expressions can be maximized by using persuasive expression to convey the various themes. The expressions can be expressed using an imaging technology or manufacturing technique which can be made objects look like living and moving. These techniques using understandable expressions, help people understand the story and evoke amazement through the unfamiliar expressions. The expressions, `Movement` on commercial, cartoon and movie etc. bring different visual metaphors depending on technique, material and others. Clay animation which is needed a detailed direction between scene and scene, is possible only when it is used with an adequate metaphor. This study is to reembody `Movement` which is differently composed in character of clay animation and analyze visual metaphor. In addition, it analyzes on the basis of cases to find out which visual contents are condensed. It is caused by necessity of understanding the positive value of the clay animation through finding ways to express contents and expression technique using digital technology.
Key Words
클레이 애니메이션, 은유, Clay animation, Metaphor
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