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Vol.16, No.0, 197 ~ 209, 2007
A Study on the Digital Exhibition Space`s Expansion of the Corporeal frame
박정기 Park Jeong Kee
This paper, provides a study based on the reciprocal corporeal perception between the person and the exhibition. In order to see how our body is portrayed and projected through the visual device of digital exhibition frame in the modern day exhibition, Merleau Ponty`s process of `the body becoming a medium` and the change of corporeal sensory ratio in accordance with the medium`s expansion is studied. Especially, the paper deals with the material expansion of the digital exhibition space due to the innovation of digital space through digital technology, and analyzes various examples of types that are divided by whether they have corporeal frame expansion. This means that, the corporeal subject as an object of an artwork, consists of a trinity like corporeal frame operation with an open system via the interaction between the audience and the medium, and the frame expansion in the dimension of the recovery of the corporeal subjectivity before the time of Gutenberg is discussed. In conclusion, the expansion of the corporeal display frame in relation to the digital exhibition space is not merely an alteration of visual device, but a device of the creative visual culture which contests the ruling power which denies the original corporeal history, which can be assessed as the inevitable connection to the `body`s transformation to art-science`.
Key Words
Digital Exhibition, Body Frame, Interaction
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