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Vol.16, No.0, 143 ~ 154, 2007
A Study on the typography sequence in the romantic comedy film `The Art of Seduction`
김효일 Kimm Hyoil
The film genre, romantic comedy, embodies Korean sentiments the most. However, most romantic comedy films are given the cold shoulder by critics, and are not welcomed or preferred by viewers. But what is contradictory is that many people who stand in front of a movie theatre, trying to decide which film to watch, purchase tickets for a romantic comedy movie. This research analyzes the humorous perspective shown in motion typography and romantic comedy films, and identifies the characteristics of the communication process of text and image languages that are generated in the narration process of films and motion typography. The stimulation of humor by motion typography can be approached by a structure that allows inter-textually through visual and linguistic pun in romantic comedy films.
Key Words
Romantic Comedy, Screwball Comedy, Motion Typography
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