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Vol.15, No.0, 589 ~ 603, 2007
A Study of the application of the TUI(tangible user interface) Design for children
최재희 Choi Jae Hee
One of critical tasks in ubiquitous computing is providing interface optimized to users. In current digital environment, computers are exposed outside but in ubiquitous environment they will lose their visible forms and disappear from sight. This suggests that computers will be implanted into everything even into clothing and food. These days we are using computers mostly through Microsoft Windows and its GUI (graphical user interface). GUI is not sufficient to comprehend the abundance of human senses and techniques that people develop through interaction with the real world during their life. A representative example is TUI (tangible user interface). The purpose of TUI is to apply human senses and motions, which people have developed in their real life for a long time, to interface.TUI is expected to augment the real physical world by integrating real things and environment around us with digital information. Approach to TUI should be preceded by the understanding of changes in computing, and such changes should be reflected. TUI is new digital interface that will upgrade the importance of relevant industries, technologies and products and be settled as a new element of ubiquitous culture.
Key Words
Ubiquitous computing, TUI(Tangible User Interface), GUI(Graphic User Interface)
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