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Vol.15, No.0, 365 ~ 377, 2007
Signal Analysis Structure of Revival-fashioned Movie Advertisement Text
양초산 Yang Cho San
This study, by applying symbolic analytic methods, shows the following results coming through comparison and analysis of domestic revival-fashioned movie ad texts. First, the image of movie texts by the formational analysis and objectively conceptual analysis has a common aspect in both contents and expressions . Second, the structure of letter titles for movie ad texts by the point of formational analysis is mostly formed by calligraphy-oriented structure of expression, which aspect proves its close organic relationship with revival movie texts. Third, it was found out that the mode of organizing colors in the revival-fashioned movie texts is roughly divided into two ; one is a monotone mode using white & black color, another is a method of expressing designed unrefined attributes and intensity. Fourth, the periods ranging from the year 2001 to 2003, during which revival-fashioned movies were competitively produced, mark a significant turning point of our domestic movie history at the viewpoint of the movies` entertaining features by attracted audience and diversified audience brackets as well as the enlargement of genre.
Key Words
Signal Analysis, Revival-fashioned, Movie
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