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Vol.15, No.0, 289 ~ 302, 2007
A Semiotic Study on Information Design of Tourist Information Signs
송광철 Song Gwang Cheol , 박일재 Park Il Jae
Since tourist information signs in Korea often suggest different information about the same information or miss out some marking, foreign as well as even domestic visitors often feel physical inconvenience and psychological uneasiness due to confused and poorly social communication. Finally, it becomes obstacle factors to tourism to Korea. Also, many people indicate that poor and backward tourist information signs damage a national image. Thus, this problem becomes the chief obstacle to the attraction for foreign visitors and the advance of the tourism industry. Despite such a serious situation, there are few researches on tourist information signs or information guide in Korea. Accordingly, this study is organized as follows. Introduction established the background and purposes of study. The main subject examined tourist information signs and their roles as information design, definition, concept, and characteristics, suggested some cases to resolve problems, and explored ways to solve through semiotic analysis of visual communication. Finally, conclusion proposed how tourist information signs can be advanced.
Key Words
Tourist Information Signs, Information Design, Semiologics, Visual Communication
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