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Vol.15, No.0, 277 ~ 288, 2007
A Study on a Step-by-step Learning Program for Editorial Design by Utilizing the Constructivism Learning Theory
서승연 Suh Seung Youn
“It may really be said that the abilities of human communication expanded by media are revolutionary in terms of its scope, transmitting speed and amount of information." The printing media seemed to be lost where to go as the diversification of information is accomplished with the development of digital media, and forerunners predicted the birth of e-book along with an end of the printing media. However, the printing media have not disappeared and still keep themselves solidly in place for independent fields as they suggest various methodologies in design. The publishing design business still produces a variety of books in design as Mecca of knowledge and plays an important part of visual design. It is required to have the abilities of processing complicated and diverse information, such as typography, photography, illustrator, symbol, etc., into a useful and beautiful form or structure in the editorial design. In other words, the editorial design aims at delivering the given messages most effectively to the audience in a visual way. Consequently, it is ardently required to have a learning method to develop more organizational and systematic abilities of construction as well as to enhance the educational effect for students introduced to the basic courses of editorial design. The constructivism learning theory facilitates a learning environment possible of having an in-depth and comprehensive understanding in the editorial design education, so that it has the characteristics ensuring multiple participants to have various viewpoints through a process of sharing one`s own opinion. Therefore, this paper attempts to propose a scheme good enough to foster design having comprehensive abilities as an editorial designer with creative and experimental abilities along with solid design, as well as to enhance the educational effect through a step-by-step learning program for the editorial design education by utilizing the constructivism learning theory.
Key Words
Editorial design, Constructivism, Education
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