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Vol.15, No.0, 171 ~ 180, 2007
A Study on the Revitalized Method of Agricultural Brand
문수근 Moon Soo Geun
Today, the meaning of the brand includes not only the enterprise or the product of that but also the property value of the enterprise. Korean agricultural products, in the international trade environment including GATT, UR, WTO, FTA, etc are closely related to not only agricultural field but also non-agricultural field. Now, so in order to be adapted to and confront the world-wide trade environment we have to strengthen the quality competitive power of agricultural products and improve a circulation system focused on an independent brand. But the reality of our agricultural products is not adapted well to the overseas market changing rapidly. And realistic problems such as a small scale of the enterprise, the imbalance of demand and supply of agricultural products, the inferiority of the circulation environment, lack of brand that may create a higher value added or marketing weakness, the barrier to trade and trade opening, etc are coming to the fore. The brand image of agricultural products which is closely connected with the quality of our agricultural products and an increase in income, is essential in both the domestic market and the overseas market. This treatise is on matter in hand of the brand of agricultural products to be settled without delay and looking for ways to activate the brand.
Key Words
Revitalized of brand, Brand of Agricultual
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