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Vol.14, No.0, 393 ~ 405, 2006
The present status of Japan`s design education
정원준 Chung Won Jun
I have inquired into the present status of Japan`s design education by researching current status of design institutions, organization and characteristics of designing department, and their design courses. First, in order to find out what types of design departments are there, I researched on 252 departments in 57design related 4-year colleges and 137 departments in 47 design related 2-year colleges. Also, I analyzed course distribution of visual design department in 25 4-year colleges and 11 2-year colleges. As a result, visual design department is shown to occupy the highest rate among 9 different types of design departments. In analyzing courses of visual design, theory-oriented education for preparing practicum is practiced, and core courses are mainly distributed in sophomore and junior years. Also, it is analyzed that weight on computer-related courses are continuously on the rise. In case of 2-year colleges, practicum and courses using computer have taken large proportion of total classes. Such tendencies show popularity and demand for visual design department, which based on visual culture that has been developing since invention of typography by Gutenberg in 14th century, is on the rise. Also, in this revolutionary information era, next-generation of visual design using computer graphic such as digital, Web, GUI, VR, etc is in the process of rapid growth due to widely spread multimedia contents
Key Words
japan, design education, design course
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