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Vol.14, No.0, 373 ~ 383, 2006
A Study on Activation of Science Museum in the Exhibition Industry
장은경 Jang Eun Kyoung , 최보아 Choi Bo Ah
Recognition for the importance of science culture and its social aspects are deemed global change, not only for Korea. Scientific technology is the best mental product the human being has ever made, and `manner of knowledge`-cum-`manner of life` as a knowledge system. However, in the other side of development in science, communication with the masses is being decreased, which makes people have a biased view and estrangement that the science would not coexist with community, and that only a few elite, specialized persons could manage. The age to come would be the one of higher-leveled scientific technology. In consideration of the situation of the times, the role of science museum is very important in order to publicize science and access the masses. Besides, in order to activate the function of exhibition of science museum as a place of public relations,as shown on the foreign cases, it needs to develop experiential and emotional science items the masses prefer, intriguing interest and fun, devising natural effect of studying as playing, and finally to entertain the exhibition in science museum. In addition, overcoming the existing still frame of exhibition centering on viewing, that has strong tendency of offering temporarysight, it needs to be transformed into the type of exhibition allowing uninterrupted communication with the masses. Thus, when it`s possible to grasp the mind of masses and to reflect it to the science culture, the activation of exhibition in domestic science museum could be realized.
Key Words
Exhibition Industry, Science Museum, Science culture
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