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Vol.14, No.0, 349 ~ 360, 2006
A Study on the Text Analysis of Signification in Advertisement communication-Signs visuals-
이종락 Lee Jong Rak , 안상락 An Sang Lar
Today people are exposed to a variety of media and overflowing advertisements as they are in the midst of rapid changes in the social structure and information overflow. In these situations, expression strategies of advertising are also evolving in a diversified way, and expression advertisements containing a simplified and implicative message began to draw attention. At this point, it is considered necessary to investigate methods and strategies of delivering advertising communication expressions from a theoretic perspective. Advertisement text, which is an effective mode to deliver messages in advertising communication was analyzed to find better methods of providing information in advertising communication, on the basis of semiotics, an effective discipline for advertising analysis. Moreover, meaning analysis method and interpretation method of Bart and Peirce, the greatest masters in the field of semiotics, were borrowed. As far as expression methods and meaning delivery were concerned, case study was conducted in terms of visual symbol-centered and verbal symbol-centered advertising, with the intention of a concept at which an advertisement aims by interpreting meaning-action and advertising. For analytic advertisements, among publication advertisements released recently, selected advertisements delivering messages to consumers using visual and verbal symbols as an advertising expression image were interpreted from a semiotic viewpoint, and advertising concepts and meanings of advertisements divided by type were assessed In conclusion, the issue is how advertising concepts and images are undergoing meaning-action in the course of semiotic interpretation of advertising expression, and meaning-action was found to enable successful advertising communication between an advertising producer and audience. The study is expected to provide a basis for how to develop more systematic, logical, and technical advertising communication strategies.
Key Words
Advertisement communication, Text Analysis
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