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Vol.14, No.0, 91 ~ 101, 2006
A Study for Digital Media Character with Role of Character and Applied Media Aesthetics - Focused Analysis of Online Game Character -
김성영 Kim Sung Young , 정종완 Jung Jong Wan
The 21st century has been characterized by the growth of the digital media game character industry, the development of motion language, and the increase of capital investments in the digital media industry. These developments have resulted in the creation of a new motion culture. Especially, expression through digital media forms has revolved around the creation of media characters. The present is a critical time for the study of digital game characters in a variety of contents and the study of the uses of interactive motion media. Within the internet, there has been a world-wide increase of graphic works in multi-media. The adaptability of graphic works used for advertising has also fueled this increase. This paper`s thesis is based on analyzing the strategy and principal of animation motion aesthetics. Based on this analysis a theoretical foundation can be established and classifications for digital game character`s roles can be created with the ultimate goal of using this analysis to create realistic media characters.
Key Words
Animation, Digital Media, Character, Multi-media, Applied Media Aesthetics
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