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Vol.13, No.0, 427 ~ 443, 2006
A Study on Graphic User Interface Design for the Avatar Matrix Space - Focusing on a Personal Community Prototype Realization -
최치권 Choi Chi Kwon
The Information Revolution of the twentieth century, which follows the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions in changing the world, has opened the Age of Information for humankind with its utility and rapid technological advancement. The fourth major epochal revolution following these changes in the human history is the Ubiquitous Trend of the world, which is causing a shift in the human paradigm. Information of today is not only limited to posting and viewing, but has come to renovate itself into a creative subject of other Information and media. One of the most notable byproducts of this change is the emergence of a cyber agent. Designed to help human activities on the virtual spaces of unlimited information, one of the most commonly found forms of cyber agents is avatars. By analyzing and examining the pre-established studies on avatars, this study seeks to propose evolution of avatars into intelligent, more active subjects, and develop communication means which can interact through these evolved avatars. This study intends to propose a prototype of graphic user interface (GUI), which could serve as a `house` for avatars in which they could move about and act. This system is necessary in search for interactive measures that satisfy the human existence and emotions on the virtual space. The content of this system should be understood in association with the information delivery, the ubiquitous space, the information communication on the virtual space, and the data analysis of the GUI design. To this purpose, this study has conducted a survey on the usage of GUI model for the matrix space and a case study of the graphic interface for matrix space. The prototype of the GUI model for the avatars was developed thereby. The findings of this study suggest that the contents of artificial intelligence (AI) communication that is currently being researches and developed in the main form of text can and will evolve into more graphic images. This study also indicates that, as long as a more emotional design` which human beings can perceive through visual images, the communication can take the form of easier and more concrete interface from the current abstract AI contents. As the avatars, which is currently used in doll-like forms and communication evolving around text, evolves to utilize much more diverse graphic expressions and other multi-media factors, it will greatly contribute to more active interaction among users on the matrix space.
Key Words
Intelligent Avatar, Matrix Space, Ubiquitous, Graphic User Interface Design
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