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Vol.13, No.0, 327 ~ 340, 2006
Orientalism in Jewelry-concentrated on Cartier style-
이정은 Lee Jung Eun
Orientalism has been one of the key cyclical trends in the western culture and art for a long time. Interestingly, Orientalism, somewhat mysterious and nature-friendly is re-highlighted as a leading trend for the 21st century because of limitations resulting from uniformity of the late 20th century`s industrial society and anxiety over uncertainty of the future. This thesis focuses on identifying the possibilities of Korean style jewelry design by investigating Orientalism expressed in the works of Cartier that has been highly interested in the East from the early 20th century. In the early 20th century, Cartier mainly adopted Chinese motives or colors directly for its works. However, recent works with new Orientalism have been introduced through the recreation of Chinese motives for modernity. Skillful combination of traditional Eastern factors with Western aesthetic shows the trend of pluralism and eclecticism. In order for Korean jewelry to have wider publicity in the world market, we have to develop universal designs, appealing to global customers as well as maintaining Korean style. With the surge of Orientalism, many world famous jewelry designers get the key ideas through Chinese and Japanese motives and leverage them for marketing factors. At this point of time, the development of Korean style jewelry not by western designers but by Korean designers can create unknown images appealing successfully to world jewelry market.
Key Words
Orientalism, Cartier
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