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Vol.13, No.0, 237 ~ 255, 2006
A Study on Digital Attribute for Teenagers
양수영 Yang Soo Young
1318 generation which represents the young people (13~18 years old) are being put in changable focus of the electronic generation which M (Mobile) generation and the N (Network) generation, and the I (one`s centered),etc. what is called with the generation. These people who is born in 1988 Seoul Olympic after is open and spontaneous and it is become known strong challenge spirit. These people leads online game, cyworld, and the mobile media, and they apply the computer (computer device) like the mirror which is own reflection tool producing, circulating and consuming the image become efficient integrated subject. Accordingly, it has the best relationship with who have strong personality `C (the Characterized. The Common content generation)` ,and it kept social meaning of generation from virtual world. These people will lead electronic mirror watch (Digital-Mirror Network) and the superego, the super illusion will be sick the autism of typical psychosis space finally, by a desire instinct top of power of violence scarring, so it will bear and desire "the others who will increase (the hero) rescue it will be longed for." It is built with avatar and mopping in what kind of deformation will drive method by < terminator 2 > it changes, like the grass hold where it will be able to permeate technique) like the electronic nomadic census registration of the super social space which lives the existence is formed . like this existence (each person) lonely result desire sincerity, and it is to be a life of the adolescence as the electronic mirror watch leads multi direction media from new century. Their heroes are owned to have the soul of the young people. They go round in the actuality world or not returning the family like the nomads it drifts in electronic world-wide inside. The wound which sprouts gradually from estrangement and the inside of the actuality world and it heals, is not only a possibility of going up with the group disease which is strenuous. This study represents evolving the natural man where these digital technology becomes truth how to track, it analyzes the affirmative direction of like this network and the young people culture of future goes and it amends error percentage to manifest the healing diagnosis of the virtual reality.
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