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Vol.12, No.0, 481 ~ 491, 2005
A research about the rhetoric expression of allegory in image and text - focused on typography expression tendencies of today -
김민정 Kim Min-jeong
Today, Modern method is moving that see in that read in new inclination which is seen in eye that is occurring in visual art while role of image enlarges to pass meaning, text decreases gradually or is that section. This tendency appeared by aspect of literal dithering and deactivation, overlap of image and deactivation, destruction of grid, discord and unbalance, distortion of form and short piece, juxtaposition etc.. . These characteristics are derived as how see what? Purpose of allegory at the same time, appeared `Polysemien` through the opacity of meaning that expression indicates, that is observed here meaning direction method in allegory accomplish in directness of expression contents and form `inconsistency`, and combination of both just can be made ideally. That makes of traditional art that `symbol` and `beauty` refuse indefiniteness(non-regulation) and special quality of opacity are become acute and revitalize more that is contained essentially in allegory with request about investigation art that is new in modern (Deconstructionism) art circumstance. It is text and image, possibility of translation that can happen between coexistence and he between text and things are expanded by art all external circumstances as well as is disconstructed visual language as art inner circumstance and branches. That is, visual art is circumstance that is seeking variety of analysis through maximization of plastic more rather than intend traffic in today. I wish to examine closely communication function of expression and the deconstructual tendency and relation searching examination of allegory that is appearing newly by one of investigation the pursual and allegorical expression that appear in modern typography how function is embossed.
Key Words
Deconstructionism, Allegory, Text, Image
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