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Vol.12, No.0, 449 ~ 461, 2005
Study on Readership Score of Calligraphy in Korean on Web
김창래 Kim Changrea
While calligraphy has been widely applied in all design areas such as drama, films and various visual materials as well as the design areas such as movie posters, packages and book covers, the application of calligraphy on website was dismissed due to a variety of reasons such as risk to be caused by lack of professional techniques or knowledge. However, the application of calligraphy, which is manually written and simultaneously expresses instant emotion, dynamics and strong power touching the sensitivity of consumers is recently activated on websites as the alternative to the standardized and cold image, differentiation and readership score. Thus, this study analyzes the calligraphy expression trends on analogous emotion on website, the synonym of digital culture, and the application cases and suggests the effective application methods of calligraphy on website by making the database of identified readership score. Furthermore, the approaches to combine the emotional design in the coming digital age will be suggested.
Key Words
calligraphy, web
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