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Vol.12, No.0, 429 ~ 439, 2005
A Research about hierarchical connections in experiences of MMORPGs usage
People getting experience from specific attributes of game when playing MMORPGs(massively multiple online role playing games). Game user`s experience produce some consequences, and consequences produce user`s value. So I try to figure that out with MEC model. MEC model is originally based on figure out customer`s life value when they are make selection from the products. Laddering was interiew method that I did, and it`s popular in MEC model research. The result is when people selecting game, they consider fine graphic game for the full regarding reason. Besides, scenario, character, item, social name recognition, and friend`s suggest are being refer to attributes. With this attributes, people experience`s results are more fun game, virtual reality`s experience, made laddering with users. Research result that user`s values are perfection of self, sense of superiority, sense of achievement, immersion and increasing reality. Finally, people`s values when ther are playing MMORPGs are mental stability, and enlargement of life quality.
Key Words
다사용자온라인게임, MEC, 게임 사용자 경험
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