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Vol.12, No.0, 245 ~ 255, 2005
Discussion on the Blue Ocean in Media Communication - Focused on Anycall -
장은경 Jang Eun Kyung
The advancement of technology leads to the advent of new media, more fierce competition and emergence of new marketing techniques, which causes the industry of advertisement under rapid changes. Now, advertisement requires finding new media, considering the keen competitive environment of the Red Ocean. However, the existing ATL (Above The Line) method have limitation of communication with consumers while consumers have also rejected the conventional one-sided media transmission due to the spread of digital environment in our life and could select freely various media. Namely, consumers were changed from inured consumers to personality-focused consumers who value much of their taste on the basis of positive consumption style and acceptance attitude. BTL(Below The Line), which was originated from the existing sales promotion concept, seems to play a proper role considering the method can be applied to the place wherever consumers turn their gaze on and induce their consumption actively. Therefore, the present author suggests BTL as a Blue Ocean strategy to break the current Red Ocean state in the industry of advertisement.
Key Words
Media Communication, Blue Ocean, BTL
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