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Vol.12, No.0, 217 ~ 227, 2005
A study on the design and craft design in Korean Junior high Art textbook
이부연 Lee Boo Yeon
Peobody educational support in 1956 from America influenced a lot to start modern Korean design and craft design education. In Korean Junior high Art textbook, in 3rd grade art textbook in junior high school they deal with design and craft design the most comparing to other grades. In most of the Korean Junior high Art text book, the percentage of fine Art is more than the percentage of design and craft design. This is come from the fact that most of the writers` majors of Korean Junior high school Art textbook are fine art. Korean designers and craft designers need to take attentions more of writing Art text book in Korean Junior high school. In Korean Junior high school Art textbook, We hardly find the high technique art which Junior high students are accustomed to and enjoy in thier present daily lives. Developing high technique art text book materials for student is necessary. Design and craft design should be dealt with in Korean junior high school Art text book more seriously and developed not only for students` rapidly changing lives, but also for Korean national economic development.
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