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Vol.12, No.0, 197 ~ 207, 2005
Research about Web Identity of College Web Site Design
정진숙 Chung Jin Sook
Most Korean universities opened web-sites since 1990`s, and repaired those continuously, there are many changes of contents and design in their web sites. In cases of corporations, they applied CI (corporate identity) to their web sites, and their web style guides are under development. In Korean universities, the importance of web sites in public informations and school affairs is emphasized then ever. In this study, home-pages of college is considered as elements of web identity composition, because it is necessary for knowing degree of UI (university identity) materialization in web sites. In items of web identity composition, symbols and logo-types met the rules, but private colors prescribed by UI did not. And main pages of universities had poor originalities because most of their main colors are `blue` and most of their images are those of college students or college halls. This study show the necessity of web identity establishment of UI by calculated and discriminated web design.
Key Words
university identity, web identity, web style guide
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