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Vol.12, No.0, 183 ~ 197, 2005
Contents Standardization for e-Learning-For SCORM-based e-Learning contents-
최흥렬 Choi Heung Ryel
Connecting the world through a unified network, web has gained its users in the Internet exponentially thanks to its easy access anywhere and anytime and versatile integration features of various services. Having influences on the education area too, it raises issues with its distant education technology. Contents standardization involves suggestion of contents technology standards so that the contents can be exchanged and distributed in many different learning systems. In order for learning resources to evolve as a-learning contents with proved learning effects, abstract object modeling is necessary to explain about the learning process. What is needed for the contents to be compatible among the systems is the embracing standards of the constituents. There are a few conditions for contents standardization; first, it`s important to improve interoperability, reusability, compatibility, applicability, adaptation to changes and interchangeability of high-priced education resources developed with multimedia. And it`s essential to find the way to provide actual class lectures using information technology. There are four keywords to search for the solutions considering the details, and they are interoperability, reusability, durability, and accessibility. In the study where the concept of standardization of international contents or SCORM was taken, they were approached from two aspects of content aggregation and run-time environment in investigating into how to operate contents and tract learners. Following the current contents standardization and its analysis results, the investigator made up three stages in implementing contents for standardization; the first stage of planning consisted of demand analysis and planning of projects and contents. The second design stage included systematization of learning objects, composition of learning unites, constituents, teaching and learning strategies, making metadata, and building a storyboard. The final production stage suggested guidelines to details of coding and interface implementation such as templates. The results give some ideas about how to develop desirable educational contents and thus will make useful data in developing e-learning contents.
Key Words
e-Learning, SCORM, Contents
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