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Vol.12, No.0, 163 ~ 174, 2005
A Study on the Morphologic Features of Game Characters - Focused on 3D game characters -
Since the first computer game was made by a US engineer in 1958, the computer games have evolved greatly, as various fields of computer graphic have been remarkably developed. The computer games recently create hugh added value in the related industry, as they are recreated as a movie or animation. This study has diversely analyzed the morphological features of game characters, which can be dubbed as the cream of computer games, as well as the historic changes of computer games, especially of the 3D games. Furthermore, the author discussed the impacts of computer games on the culture industry, the future development directions and role of graphic designers in developing new games. One of the efforts and attempts that have been mainly conducted in game graphic is for reality actualization. The introduction of new technologies, such as hologram or virtual reality, to the computer games in order to express the images closer to the real world is a task to resolve in years to come. The role of engineers who develop game engines was greater than that of graphic designers in the computer games. The reason is that the computer, a tool for producing games, has been comprised of cutting edge technologies. Accordingly, a technical aspect, in which designers use computer graphic tools well, rather than their aesthetic and formative art capabilities, has been emphasized. However, at the time when the development of software catches up with the development of hardware, the computer designers need to introduce graphic in the artistic dimension, not just restricting themselves to technical development for materialization of reality, due to an advent of more and more facilitated computer graphic tools. In doing so, the role of computer game designers can change from that of technicians to true artists.
Key Words
3D games, render to texture, game characters
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