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Vol.11, No.0, 545 ~ 556, 2005
Visual distortion & Shigeo Fukuda
김형주 , 강명옥
Shigeo Fukuda understands the process of visual perception and introduces visual distortion to get an effective communication. On the basis of common visual language, Fukuda has succeeded in conveying the non-verbal concepts and presenting the inexplicable visual phenomenon with his unique methodology. By distorting reality purposely, he leads the viewer to a new imaginary world. What makes it possible for Fukuda? work to evoke curiosity and communicate well is based on the human ability to read non-optical reality from the optical images in the eyes. What we see goes far beyoud the evidence available to the eyes. The impossible figure and the reversible figure in which Fukuda is involved represent well the designer? psychological approach to using distorted space. The impossible figure is a 3-dimensional form that can be produced in 2-dimensions. The impossible figures cannot be perceived through the experience or in a logical way. They calls up no acceptable perceptual object-hypothesis. These figures make the viewer? perception coufused and evoke curiosity. The Reversible figure in which Fukuda introduce is based on figure and ground relationships. In the reversible figures, spaces are not distorted directly, but ambiguous clues are presented, which make perception confused.
Key Words
visual distortion, visual perception, Shigeo Fukuda
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