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Vol.9, No.0, 127 ~ 143, 2004
Research of Transition on Motion Graphic of Avatar
김정연 Jeong Yun Kim
There are text based Identification, letters, and Avatar used with character to show oneself in the imagination space. In online community avatar made its first appearance in a form of a human as 2D graphic Image appealed in Multimedia Chat called Habitat. The objective of Avatar is for dolls that are tools of role-play to enter a digital period and exist in a form of a flesh in the imagination world, which replaces dolls is the past and express, and develop in a form of oneself. In this research we would like look at special quality as model, course of transition, preference, and appropriateness of Avatar Motion Graphic Design, also we will look at the flow of Avatar Motion Graphic Design Industry, its value and the future prospective. First We divided Avatar into Initial Avatar, 2D Avatar, and 3D Avatar with its special quality. Even if there are differences in Initial Avatar, Secondly an age bracket, preference and enjoyment of avatar in different period and its selection trend as it is developed. As Initial Avatar, 2D Avatar, and 3D Avatar being the center they preferred 3D in whole from, but more preferred 2D in is partial expression. The 3D avatar model that used the real image uses Motion Retargeting, so that you allow it to apply in different character using one character motion data of its geometry or analysis. After 2D Avatar as a result variety of options they provided for consumers, it brought charges in using Avatar and this expanded the field of expression. Thirdly, you can consider use of other contents using Motion Graphic Design of Avatar. The expansion in use of content that use 3D Avatar in Avatar games it is being developed into 4D. If Avatar is considered to fulfill self-expression instinct and excitement, its business and game grafting would be a valid strategy, then it is more than enough to accomplish its role in one source-Multi Use with character in Imagination Space, Avatar. Fourth, how much development we can make and fulfill users needs and excitement with the usage of Ubiquitous that can composes real life images with computer made imagination image will consider avatars ups and downs in the future. A Motion Graphic of Avatar that is shown in this research can escape from role-playing avatar and be used in form of Avatar Design for development, hereafter will become a fundamental development.
Key Words
역할놀이, 컨텐츠 디자인, role-play, 3D Avatar, 4D Avatar, VR Avatar, Contents Design, Ubiquitous
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