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Vol.8, No.0, 234 ~ 244, 2003
About the Function of Typography in Advertisement`s message Delivery
임채형 Chae Hyong Lim
Typography is considered to be the most powerful tool in delivering information and messages of an ad with an intention because its visual language can transmit both ideas and visual information through the eyes at the same time, It can be called an art, science, technology or expression. As a delivery tool using copy and visuals, an ad message is supposed to collect and characterize language types in terms of commerce, vocabulary, and style. In other words, an ad message is defined by the appealing functions of its printing types and texts. Since consumers don`t pay great attention to ads or invest much time in accepting them, an ad text should be easy and fast to understand, which calls for typography with strong appeal. One of the characteristics of message delivery in advertising is repetition by media. They adopt the method of partial or whole repetition of certain contents of an ad to activate once accepted messages whenever it is needed. When important information such as a product name, company name or certain features of a product is repeated over and over again, its settled in a consumer`s consciousness and can be recalled altogether even at the trigger of a small stimulus. This is why typography plays such a critical role in performing the functions of an ad message. This study focused on the visualized expressions of typography in the techniques of symmetry, asymmetry, repetition, and pattern and investigated the scope of typography in advertising as an assisting tool to express messages more easily and strongly and as a player capable of exercising the power of an existence in an expressive space itself.
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