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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.84, No.0, 203 ~ 217, 2024
A Study on the Analysis of Visual Elements of Golf Apparel Brand Logo - Focusing on the Top 30 Brands in Brand Reputation in the Korean Market Share -
박선정 Sunjung Park
Background Since popularization of golf in the late 1990s, the golf industry and the number of golfers has been steadily growing. Also, during COVID-19, the demand for outdoor activities increased rapidly, contributing to the rapid growth of the golf industry and the diversification of the golf population. In particular, the Korean golf apparel brand has shown active growth as the number one global market share of golf apparel. This preliminary study provides an analysis of the logo designs of the top 30 golf apparel brands in the Korean market and can serve as a reference point for those creating or redesigning apparel brand logos. Methods A literature review was conducted to establish an understanding of the golf industry, golf apparel, and brand and logo design. Logos for the top 30 golf apparel brands were selected for analysis. The logo classification system of Michael Evamy’s book called Logo was used to analyze the shape and font characterisrics of logos, and the color characteristics were analyzed using the I.R.I color image scale and adjective image scale. Result Most of the logo designs used both symbol mark and wordmark at the same time, and second, the form of wordmark was more frequently used. Third, wordmark designs were often in capital letters, sans-selif font, and regular thickness, non-italicised font. Lastly, logos were predominately monochromatic and frequently used black. Conclusion This study is expected to identify the characteristics of brand logo designs that are currently highly preferred in the growing golf wear market and use them as basic data for logo designs that need to be redesigned in the future or for newly created brands.
Key Words
골프, 골프웨어 브랜드, 로고 디자인, Golf, Golf Apparel Brand, Logo Design
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