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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.84, No.0, 41 ~ 55, 2024
Analysis of Components and Development of Evaluation and Analysis Framework for Public Institution Mobile Applications - Centered on applications of central administrative agencies -
김민채 Kim Min Chae , 박상희 Park Sang Hee
Background The mobile application market is expanding, with public institutions creating apps to ensure public access to information. However, research on these apps is lacking. This study aims to develop systematic applications by identifying key components and creating an evaluation framework for public institution apps. Methods Success stories of public institution applications were analyzed through literature review and prior research. Key components were derived by selecting and analyzing apps based on downloads, ratings, reviews, and awards in seven major fields. Common characteristics and success factors were identified, and an evaluation framework was constructed and validated through expert FGI. Result Based on success case analysis and web accessibility guidelines, three key components for evaluating and analyzing public institution applications were proposed. Detailed evaluation items for these applications were also analyzed. Conclusion This study will contribute to the quality improvement of public services by suggesting the elements that public institution applications should have to achieve goals and realize social values.
Key Words
공공기관 어플리케이션, 사용성, 디자인, Public institution applications, Usability, Design
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