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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.84, No.0, 17 ~ 27, 2024
A Design Proposal for ‘Space-Patch’ - Patch Form Fragrances for Astronauts in Outer Space Environments -
Seung Yeon Choi , Hyun-kyung Lee
Background The space industry is expected to grow from $350 billion to over $1 trillion by 2040, which highlights the need for personal care innovations that are exclusive to space environments. The trend towards civilian space flight and the need for everyday life solutions in orbit is increasing. Faced with the microgravity settings that disrupt biological processes and require special lifestyle adjustments, this research focuses on smells, which are essential for astronauts. Methods The study employed a multidisciplinary approach, based on a speculative design view, starting with an extensive literature review to understand the state of the space business today and the physical and psychological difficulties that astronauts have, with a particular emphasis on concerns connected to smell in space. The current space personal care innovations were critically analyzed in order to identify gaps and outline development objectives for the new product. Next, the actual generation of the design concept was conducted. Result Space-Patch demonstrates an innovative method for controlling odor and boosting emotions during space missions. The patch is designed to provide astronauts with a sense of comfort while considering realistic constraints. It does this by using materials that are compatible with the waste management systems and microencapsulation technology for moderate and continuous scent release. Three unique fragrance collections were devised: Day Dreams, Orange Rocket, and Way Back Earth. Each was intended to elicit a particular emotional reaction that is beneficial to mental health. Conclusion This study highlights significant advancement towards the intersection of cosmetology and astronautics underscoring the importance of olfactory stimuli in space environments. Studies on the difficulties faced by astronauts have been carried out in the past, but no product proposal for a personal care solution that manages odors has been developed yet. The study seeks to improve astronauts' physical and emotional aspects through the speculative design-driven, multidisciplinary approach.
Key Words
Space Personal Care, Fragrance, Speculative Design
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