Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.83, No.0, 109 ~ 125, 2024
Title |
The Influence of Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Relationship Type and Fashion Product Recommendation Type on Chatbot Continuous Usage Intention. - Focusing on Perceived Usefulness, Enjoyment and User Resistance - |
김정미 Jungmee Kim , 김세은 Seeun Kim |
abstract |
Background The study aimed to verify the differences in the impact of chatbot relationship type and fashion product recommendation type on chatbot continuous usage intention.
Methods An online experiment was conducted after 300 individuals in their 20s to 40s experienced chatbot services, utilizing a 2 (Chatbot relationship type: Friend vs. Assistant) x 2 (Recommendation type: Product vs. Style) between-subjects design. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS for ANOVA and Bootstrapping analysis.
Result First, there were differences in perceived usefulness and enjoyment, as well as user resistance, based on chatbot relationship types and fashion product recommendation types. Additionally, significant interactions were observed for chatbot continuous usage intention. Secondly, there were differences in perceived usefulness and enjoyment when the chatbot relationship type was secretary: higher when receiving style recommendations. However, when the chatbot relationship type was friend, there was no significant difference in perceived usefulness and enjoyment between style and product recommendations. Thirdly, regarding user resistance, there was no significant difference in recommended fashion product types between chatbot perceived as secretary. However, when chatbot was perceived as friend, they showed higher user resistance when recommending products over style. Fourth, it was observed that chatbot continuous usage intention is higher when chatbot perceived as secretary recommend styles over products.
Conclusion If chatbot types and recommendation strategies are optimally tailored to the online shopping environment, it is expected that consumer usage and satisfaction will increase. Additionally, by offering shopping experiences through chatbot services tailored to individual preferences, businesses may utilize this approach as an effective tool to elicit positive feedback from consumers. |
Key Words |
챗봇 관계 유형, 사회적 거리, 패션상품 추천유형, Chatbot relationship type, Social distance, Fashion product recommendation type |