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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.82, No.0, 161 ~ 173, 2024
A Study on the Illustration Analysis of the Unification Textbook of South and North Korea - Focusing on the social studies textbooks of middle and high schools in South and North Korea -
이창근 Chang-keun Lee , 안현영 Hyun-young An
Background Interest in the political and social aspects of South and North Korea is of significant international importance. Through North Korean social studies textbooks, this study aims to understand the flow of social and cultural communities in areas such as politics, law, and economics, and anticipates these textbooks to serve as a white paper in preparation for the upcoming era of reunification. Textbooks are a key medium in education, and the content they encapsulate can be used to gauge the consciousness structure of a society. Illustrations in textbooks are commonly referred to as 'drawings'. In North Korea, these drawings are fundamentally characterized by the artistic traits of socialist culture. While there have been numerous studies on North Korean art textbooks, research on illustrations in general textbooks remains insufficient due to limited exposure. Although text alone requires multiple statements to express an idea, a single illustration can encapsulate various meanings and effectively convey them(JimoSun, 2009). North Korean textbook illustrations demonstrate social artistic capabilities with revolutionary, conceptual elements and a preference for traditional Korean painting techniques (Unification Education Center, 2018). South Korean textbooks utilize illustrations as a supplementary tool within the characteristics of the print space, offering a positive aspect compared to traditional views and emerging as appealing visual symbols that embody certain truths, acting as a form of content embellishment. Methods This study analyzed the content of illustrations in first-year middle school social studies textbooks from both South and North Korea. The research on North Korean materials was conducted in a controlled environment within a specific archive at the National Library, leading to a reduced scope of data. The study was based on previous research and literature reviews, examining the illustrations in textbooks from both Koreas. Based on the research hypothesis, a survey was conducted with 79 first-year middle school students in an art talent education program at B University in Busan. The survey and interview opinions of five Ph.D. experts were also gathered. The collected data was analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 statistical software, and the study presented findings on the differences and perspectives of students and experts. Result In terms of external elements, North Korean textbook illustrations were mostly simple, creating a sense of unity. However, this simplicity resulted in a lack of sophistication and delicacy, significantly reducing comprehensibility. In color analysis, South Korean textbooks use the natural colors of objects and various color combinations, leading to higher readability. In contrast, North Korean textbooks, except for the cover, used monochrome for the entire content, which resulted in very low cognitive continuity in learning. Regarding the internal types, North Korean textbooks did not evoke interest or curiosity. They lacked elements of delight and humor, and instead, often conveyed discomfort. In expert analysis, South Korean textbook illustrations were found to be more engaging due to their diverse colors, dynamic movements, and character expressions. Exaggerated body proportions in these illustrations were linked to increased enjoyment and associative thinking. North Korean textbook illustrations, with their uniform facial expressions and standardized pattern images, strongly reflected socialist tendencies. While the content delivery was clear, it induced feelings of anxiety and tension. Moreover, the simplicity of the illustrations lacked interest and fun, suppressing imagination. Consequently, the simplicity and clarity of the illustrations were reflected in higher image preference metrics. Conclusion The study presented meaningful results by analyzing the illustrations in South and North Korean social studies textbooks, focusing on variables such as type, elements, formative qualities, and colors, based on expert analysis and survey statistics. This research is considered beneficial in reducing the disparity in consciousness between students from South and North Korea and is anticipated to contribute significantly to peace and unification education.
Key Words
북한 사회 교과서, 교과서 일러스트, 일러스트 효과, North Korean Social Textbook, Textbook Illustration, Illustration effect
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