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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.78, No.0, 17 ~ 29, 2023
A design study on combination types of the multimodal text in elementary school Korean textbooks
노승완 Seungwan Roh
Background Considering the direction of Korean language education in elementary school, rethinking the design to improve the understanding, interest, awareness of the multimodal texts presented through Korean language textbooks is an important matter as a prerequisite to achieving the goal of Korean language education. Methods Therefore, the purpose of this design study is to derive the major combination types of multimodal text in elementary school Korean textbooks, and to suggest an efficient design direction based on them. First of all, various basic elements of the multimodal text appearing in elementary school Korean textbooks are integrated into 6 types of photos, illustrations, diagrams, speech bubbles, symbols, and blanks, and the text types are divided into 4 types of data, instructions, assignments, and principle texts. And by examining actual Korean language textbooks, this study derives major combination types based on the frequency of appearance, and analyzes related design implications. Result As a result of examining Korean textbooks for 1st grade, 3rd grade and 5th grade of elementary school, there were a total of 73 complex style combination types. The frequency of appearances was investigated and design implications were suggested for each type. Conclusion It was found that, by proper understanding of the learning goal and activity purpose for each specific text type, setting the efficient combination type and design direction of multimodal texts is important in a textbook development process.
Key Words
복합양식 텍스트, 초등학교 교과서, 교과서 디자인, Multimodal text, Elementary school textbook, Textbook design
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