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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.76, No.0, 205 ~ 217, 2022
Mediators Effects of Apperance Interest from the Beauty Management Behavior on Purchasing Behavior of Beauty Service after COVID-19
한미라 Mi-ra Han , 정하은 Ha-eun Jeong
Background COVID-19, a previously unknown respiratory infectious disease, has caused numerous changes in our lives and daily life. The restriction of interpersonal interaction and the wearing of a mask have resulted in psychological stress, including depression, frustration, anger, and sadness, in addition to anxiety and fear, and have made a negative impact on the pursuit of beauty which is a fundamental human need. Individuals experience psychological well-being as a result of appearance management behaviors and by employing beauty services, depression may be alleviated, and self-esteem may be improved. This study intends to examine the changes in people's beauty management behavior following COVID-19, as well as the effect of beauty management behavior on purchasing behavior of beauty service and the mediating effect of interest in appearance. Methods In this study, 510 responses were distributed to women in their 20s and older between February 20 and March 10, 2022, and 498 responses were returned. After excluding careless responding, a total of 483 responses were used for the final analysis. SPSS 21.0 was used for the statistical data analysis. In addition, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and the reliability analysis for questionnaire items were performed using Cronbach's α according to the purpose of the study. Regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and Sobel-test were performed to identify mediating effects. Result All six factors on beauty management behavior analysis indicated a substantial positive effect after studying the influence of beauty management behavior on purchasing behavior of beauty service following COVID-19 and the mediating effect of appearance interest. As a consequence of investigating the impact of beauty management behavior on purchasing behavior of beauty service, as well as the mediating influence of interest in appearance interest, appearance interest was found to have a partial mediating effect in the process of ‘skin care’, ‘hair styling’, ‘inner beauty care’, ‘make-up’ affecting this purchasing behavior of beauty service. In addition, appearance interest was found to have a full mediating impact in the process of 'hair care' affecting beauty service purchasing behavior. Using the Sobel-Test to verity the statistical significance of mediating effect data, it was determined that the mediating impact of 'make-up behavior' on purchase intention was statistically significant, with a Z-score of 2.729. Conclusion This study investigated the effect of beauty management behavior on purchasing Behavior of beauty service after COVID-19. Beauty management behavior is positive in relieving anxiety and depression. Despite the anxiety caused by COVID-19, beauty management is managed through home care in personal hygiene and image management. As a result of the study, anxiety and depression were relieved by makeup management behavior. Since beauty behaviors appear differently according to age, in a future study, the effect of beauty management behaviors on purchasing Behavior of beauty service is to be investigated in consideration of the COVID-19 outbreak and age.
Key Words
코로나 19, 뷰티관리행동, 외모관심도, COVID-19, Beauty management behavior, Interest in appearance
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