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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.76, No.0, 181 ~ 193, 2022
The Color Distribution of Space according to DiSC Behavior Types - Focused on Scientifically Gifted Learners -
김나울 Naul Kim , 손원준 Won-jun Son
Background Space color scheme must be prudently analyzed and planned for its effects on humans, and it has to attain the ultimate goal of fulfilling the desire of space users. To that end, the purpose of this study is to lay a theoretical ground for an effective color environment space by choosing scientifically gifted learners to use space, identifying their DiSC behavior types, confirming color tendency and its interconnection through color distribution in preferred space for each behavior type. Methods Theoretical considerations were carried out in accordance with the literature study in order to better grasp the salience of color in space and DiSC behavioral types. We examined and categorized in the order of a high distribution chart by behavioral types after conducting a survey on the DiSC behavioral types of the scientifically gifted subject of this study. We also researched their favorite spaces. The color distribution in space was ultimately evaluated with the KSCA application. Result The scientifically gifted DiSC behavioral types were distributed in the order of S - C - I - D. 70% are the introversion type, which is calm and introverted. In comparison, 30% are passionate and socially extroverted. Furthermore, it was discovered that the traits of each DiSC behavior type mostly corresponded with its color propensity based on the color distribution of the scientifically gifted favorite space. The results confirmed the interconnection between behavior type and color distribution. Conclusion When planning the space color scheme for the gifted, the study is expected to reflect the color scheme of the space by considering their DiSC behavior types and aid in creating a color environment space by drawing up the color plan that satisfies their intrinsic desire.
Key Words
DiSC행동유형, 공간 색채, 색채분포도, DiSC Behavior Types, Space Color, Color Distribution
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