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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.76, No.0, 45 ~ 55, 2022
A Study on the Application of Hologram for Universal Design - Parking Spaces for Disabled People in Korea, China and Russia -
고잠 Zhan Gao , 김영희 Younghee Kim
Background This study is to apply holograms to parking spaces for the disabled from the perspective of universal design. With the recent development of holographic technology, various application sites that incorporate it are attracting attention. Hologram is a real welcome effect based on human visual characteristics, proximity, realness, and three-dimensional. This study aims to fuse hologram technology and universal design through a feasibility study of the application of parking spaces for the disabled to enable hologram technology to find a better development direction. Methods This study first identifies the development status of holographic imaging technology through theoretical consideration, understands the concept and characteristics of universal design, and then conducts a survey on the disabled system and parking space in Korea and China. Through the introduction of the concept of universal design and the PPP evaluation method, the seven principles and three-part evaluation system according to the PPP evaluation were established. Through a case study of holographic parking spaces, the current disabled parking spaces are compared with holographic parking spaces, and the characteristics of holographic parking spaces are found through PPP evaluation 7 principles and 3 supplementary analysis. Result Universal design is an important content in urban design. As a result of the PPP evaluation, the general disabled parking space in Korea and China and the hologram disabled parking space in Russia had the highest score for simplicity and space, and convenience ranked second. Hologram disabled people cannot be fully distributed due to high input. In addition, due to differences in culture and education, various opinions and advice should be sought when designing. Conclusion When designing parking spaces for the disabled, the demand for the disabled should be comprehensively considered. As South Korea and China build future cities, it is expected to see more holographic parking spaces for the disabled and public facilities combining science and technology and universal design.
Key Words
유니버설 디자인, 홀로그램, 장애인 주차공간, Universal Design, holograms, parking spaces for Disabled Persons
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