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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.74, No.0, 163 ~ 173, 2022
A study on infertility prevention for married women through service design that Raising awareness of fertility
이재선 Jae Sun Yi , 김시온 Si-on Kim , 조나연 Na-yeon Cho , 백하나 Ha-na Baek
Background Currently, Korea is facing the problem of an era of ultra-low fertility. In order to face this problem, the birth incentive policy is important, but the preliminary stage of this policy is to come up with measures to help those who hope to have children to do so. However, with the age at first marriage continuing to rise, the issue of infertility is rapidly increasing. Infertility not only causes mental, physical, and economic pain to individuals, but also has direct relation with population decline. Methods This study was conducted according to the service design methodology. The infertility problem was arranged in depth through desk research and interviews, and service solutions were derived based on the insights. Result The fundamental cause of the infertility problem was defined as a lack of awareness of women's fertility decline and lack of fertility tests. The causes of decreased awareness and fertility tests were organized as absence of awareness, motivation, and the existence of restrictions. As an alternative to this problem, we propose ‘Nansojoonghae’, a healthcare service that helps women check their fertility through self-diagnosis test of ovarian age, fertility hormone analysis kit, and application. Conclusion The main purpose of the service is to help married women prepare for pregnancy within the critical window before fertility begins to decline by minimizing the average 5-year period where fertility awareness lacks. The 'Ovarian Measuring' service, which allows you to easily check fertility without visiting a hospital, is evaluated as a way to lower the number of infertility diagnoses appropriate for the era in which all areas of life are being converted to non-face-to-face after the pandemic era. It is also seen as a method that can have a positive effect on the low birth rate problem.
Key Words
서비스 디자인, 난임 예방 서비스, 여성 가임력 검진, Services design, infertility prevention service, women fertility test
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