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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.70, No.0, 97 ~ 109, 2021
Cognitive Elements Analysis on Urban Regeneration of Old Residential Areas in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, China
형월 Xing Yue , 문정민 Jeong Min Moon
Background China's urban regeneration practice has been developing since the reform and opening up to the outside world for 40 years. Despite the appearance of new forms and means in some large cities, the urban regeneration still remains in the center of government work and the renewal of old industrial buildings, neglecting the urban regeneration in the old residential areas. Methods With the background of cognitive psychology, the five factors of spatial perception suggested by the author were used as the theoretical framework, and the urban regeneration of the old residential areas of Shenzhen and Guangzhou was investigated and analyzed. Result First, the cognitive map construction is very important because the cognitive map's five elements of path, boundary, node, area and logo are missing or partially missing in the old residential areas. Secondly, the paper analyzes the urban regeneration of the old residential areas by using the theory of cognitive factors, and study shows that there are partial deficiencies of cognitive factors in those areas, so there are problems of urban regeneration and the environments there still needs to be improved. Conclusion This study has shown that the lack of spatial cognition factors has a bright effect on urban regeneration, proving its necessity. The high degree of completion of the residential areas will have an impact on the design of the environment, thus giving the residents a sense of security. In addition, it is more important to protect the living environments and the historic nature of the areas than to develop blindly, so that it can continue to grow.
Key Words
인지요소,도시재생, 노후주거지역, Cognitive elements, Urban regeneration, Old residential areas
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