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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.70, No.0, 41 ~ 50, 2021
Effects of self-efficacy for group on class flow - compare with Korean and foreign students -
이은정 Eun-jung Lee , 박지유 Ji-yu Park , 조성권 Seong-gwon Cho
Background Recently, universities are trying to attract foreign students because of decreasing student in domestic universities, but research on ‘education of international students’ is insufficient. In addition, the classes of collaborative project-type is increasing which are indispensable classes. Therefore, it is time to look for differences between Koreans and foreigners students to exchange together and receive equal education. Methods First, a questionnaire was surveyed on the effect of the ‘self-efficacy for group work’ to be exhibited on ‘immersion in class’. Afterwards, the results were classified as foreign and domestic to examine the differences. The questionnaire consisted of students who completed the same group project-type class and conducted a total of 352 samples. Result The results of analyzing the questionnaire are as follows. First, ‘self-efficacy for group work’ affects ‘emotional immersive in class’. Second, in case of foreign students, only ‘the type of solving the problem’ was found to affect the ‘emotional immersive in class’. Third, in the case of domestic students, ‘the type of leading’ and ‘the type of integrated’ affect to ‘emotional immersive in class’. Conclusion For foreign students, encouraging participation and help them to experience solving problems can be a way to increase their ‘Self-efficacy for group work,’. In particular, it is necessary to establish a class strategy for their ‘interest’ and ‘learning motivation’, so that they can increase ‘Self-efficacy for group work’.
Key Words
협력적 자기효능감, 수업몰입, 협업 수업, Self-efficacy for group work, Class Flow, Team Project-Based Learning for Foreign Students
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